" TRUST in Allah wont make the mountains smaller but make CLIMBING easier. DO NOT ask Allah for a lighter load, but ask Allah for a STRONGER BACK..."
butterflies in ma tummy.....
result nmpaknya konfem kluo 11 mac nih.......mmg sume org rase bedebo, tp aku x sangka aku pon debo lebih....gane result aku nanti agaknye.....??? aku x kisah sebenanye gane2 pon result aku turn out to be. yg membimbangkan ialah reaksi org lain, mak ayah, cg2....kawan2......rase berat sgt nk hadapi 11 mac tu nnti.....kalu result ok [Insya-Allah], aku x yah nk mikir kebarangkalian reaksi org....tp kalu result x bape ok, x sanggup rase nk hadapi sume org...rasa lebih baik kurung diri dlm bilik sorang....ntah le. harap2, sume kawan2 aku x kire smkaka, atau mane2 pon, dpt result yg menggembirakan sume..............Insya-Allah.
aku pon doa g2 gop....haha...kalu mu debo g2 ak apetah lg...mmg gle ah egt mle zmn2 pekse hr tuh...ad ke patot tgk nur kasih pah pagi haha....ak pom doa g2 gop...smoge sume berjaye....amin...
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