" TRUST in Allah wont make the mountains smaller but make CLIMBING easier. DO NOT ask Allah for a lighter load, but ask Allah for a STRONGER BACK..."

Monday, October 25, 2010

[ extendation approved ]..

alhamdulillah, akhirnya selesai urusan untuk extend ke program 2 years. dari pukul 8.30 pagi, sampai pukul 3.30 ptg td baru boleh settle semuanya. esok ade add and drop session. jadinye sem 2 ni, aku akn ambik 2 core course, dan satu subjek FIM. cadang2 nak ambik bio2 and maths1. pastu, ambik Religions In Malaysia (RIM). total kredit hours, 13 hours. class seriously starts hari rabu untuk aku. new semester, hoping for a new ME..!!!!! insya-Allah..